Parallel messaging with the Epiphany

This is the first of a number of tutorials where we are going to explore the parallel capabilities of the Epiphany and develop some parallel codes which illustrate the techniques used by HPC programmers to write large scale parallel codes on modern supercomputers. In this post we will concentrate on the mechanisms of parallelism, and one fundamental activity is the passing of messages between cores.

These tutorials use ePython, which is a subset of Python that runs on the Epiphany and allows us to quickly write and run some code. Before going any further if you have not yet used or installed ePython then it is worth following the instructions (here) which walks you though running a simple “hello world” ePython example on the Epiphany cores. If you installed ePython a while ago then it is worth ensuring that you are running the latest version, instructions for upgrading are available here.

Point to point communications

In parallel programming, one of the fundamental activities is sending a message from one core to another. Open up a text editor and enter the following code before saving it as
import parallel
if coreid()==0:
  send(20, 1)
elif coreid()==1:
  print "Got value "+recv(0)+" from core 0"

Now issue epython and core 1 will display that it received the value 20 from core 0. The parallel functions of ePython (in this case coreid, send, recv) are located in the parallel module, therefore before writing any parallel codes in ePython you need to import this as per line 1. At line 4 core 0 will send the value 20 to core 1 – here we supply the value 20 directly but a variable or return value from a function could also be used, and at line 6 core 1 will receive this value from core 0. These send and receive communication calls are blocking, which means that the core will not continue until it has either fully sent or fully received the value. This is something you need to be aware of, as if there is no matching communication call then the core will block and wait forever – for instance edit line 4 and instead of sending to core 1 send to core 2 (the second argument to the send function.) Now rerun the code, you will see that the code does not terminate (you can force quit by pressing ctrl and c) because now core 0 is sending to core 2, but core 2 has not issued a receive and core 1 is attempting receiving from core 0 but there is no message being sent to core 1. If you edit line 5 and change the core id from 1 to 2 then this will ensure communications match and fix the issue.
This first example has illustrated two very important concepts, firstly point to point communications and secondly accessing a core’s ID (via coreid) and selectively executing some code on that core only based upon its id.

Broadcasting values

The point to point communications that we have just seen only involve 2 cores for each communication call, the sender and the receiver. Collective communications involve all cores and the first example of this we are going to see is the broadcast, where we broadcast a value from one core (commonly called the root) to every other core.
import parallel
a=bcast(numcores(), 0)
print "The number from core 0 is "+a

In this example the root (core 0) will broadcast the number of cores (determined by the numcores function) to every other core including itself, and each core will display this value. The provided value to the function (in this case the number of cores) is only relevant on the root and is ignored by every other core. You can specify the number of Epiphany cores to run on via the -d command line argument, for instance, if this is called then executing epython -d 5 will run on 5 cores of the Epiphany and your code will report this number. Currently each core executes line 4 and displays the message, based upon what we have already looked at in this tutorial modify the code so that only core 3 prints out the message.
import parallel
if coreid()==rootcore:
  a=bcast(random%100, rootcore)
  a=bcast(none, rootcore)
print "The random number from core "+rootcore+" is "+a

This code example illustrates a more common format followed by the broadcast, where only the root core (in this case core 2) has some value (in this case a random number between 0 and 100) which it then broadcasts amongst the other cores. On every non root core the input value to the broadcast is ignored, so every other core either provides a dummy value as the value to the broadcast or none, which is Python’s way of representing the absence of a value. The way this example is written, by modifying the value of the rootcore variable at line 3 you will change the root core for this broadcast call.

Reducing values

As well as broadcasting values from one process to all others, it is often useful to combine values held on every core together in order to determine a final result. For instance, one might wish to find the maximum value held by each core, or add all the values together. This is known as a reduction, where each core will supply a value and operation to perform, and the final result available on each core is the reduction of these individual values.
import parallel
a=reduce(random%100, "max")
print "The highest random number is "+a

In this code each core is generating a random number (using the random function, and %100 takes the modulo to 100, hence the number will always be between 0 and 100), and by using the reduce call with the max argument, the communication function determines the maximum random number that was generated by any core, which is then available to every core in the a variable. One of four operators can be used, max, min, sum and prod. By editing the code and changing the operator then you will see the difference this makes to the reported value.


It can be useful for all cores to stop and wait for every other core to reach a specific point in the code before proceeding, this is known as synchronisation (or a barrier) and available via the sync function.
import parallel
print "Hello from core "+coreid()
print "After sync from core "+coreid()

In this example every core will display an initial message, then stop and wait for every other core before displaying its next message. By commenting out the sync call at line 5 you will remove this stop and wait, and some cores might race ahead of others. As a general note, whilst this barrier synchronisation can be useful (and is often seen in many HPC codes) it is generally considered bad practice because each core is idle whilst it is waiting for every other core, instead of continuing ahead and doing useful work.

Putting it all together – a parallel code to estimate PI

We are going to estimate the value of PI via the dartboard method, which is an example of a Monte Carlo method (more info here.) Basically, imagine we have a dartboard mounted on a wooden backing and the dartboard fits perfectly within this wooden backing as per the diagram.

If the radius of the dartboard is one, then the area of the board will be PI, as the dartboard fits snugly on the wooden backing then the area of the wood is 4 (2 by 2.) Therefore this means the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the wood is pi/4. If we throw lots of darts at the board then randomly some will land on the board and some on the wooden backing, but by probability the ratio of the number landing on the dartboard vs the number that is thrown will be pi/4.

Each Epiphany core will simulate the throwing of lots of darts at this dartboard, and by tracking the number which land on the board across all cores we can estimate PI. The more darts which are thrown, the more accurate our approximation of PI.
import parallel
from random import random
from math import pow
if coreid()==0:
  rounds=input("Enter the number of rounds: ")
  rounds=bcast(rounds, 0)
  rounds=bcast(none, 0)
while i<=rounds:
  while j<=darts:
    if (pow(x,2) + pow(y,2) < 1.0):
  mypi=mypi+4.0 * (score/darts)
mypi=reduce(mypi, "sum")
if coreid()==0: print "Value of PI="+(mypi/rounds)/numcores()

In this code each core works in rounds, throwing darts number of darts per round. Initially core 0 requests from the user the number of rounds to run (10 is a good starting number), which is then broadcast amongst the cores at lines 9 and 11. Remember the provided value to a broadcast collective is only relevant on the root core (in this case core 0) – you can see at line 9 that core 0 will broadcast the rounds value, which has been inputted by the user, and every other core at line 11 issues the broadcast call with the none value, which is Python’s way of representing the absence of a value. What we call the computational kernel, the heart of what each core is actually doing, is at lines 13-24 which performs the Monte Carlo method and then at line 25 the values determined at each core are summed together and then displayed at line 26 by core 0.

By increasing the number of rounds we increase the accuracy of the answer, but the cost is an increase in runtime. You can use the -t command line argument to display timing information for each core, for instance epython -t, run with 10, 50, 100 and 500 rounds and you will see the difference (be patient with 500 rounds it takes a few seconds!)

As a general note, we have two extremes when classifying parallelism; at one end tightly coupled problems where each core must very extensively communicate with other cores and at the other end embarrassingly parallel problems where very little (if any) communication is needed. Most HPC codes sit somewhere between these extremes and this example is towards the embarrassingly parallel side, because there are only 2 communications (the initial broadcast and final reduction) and importantly there are no communications required in the computational kernel, so each core can just get on with its computational task. Communications add overhead, so it is useful to understand where a parallel code sits on this scale to give an idea of likely performance and scalability.


In this tutorial we have used ePython to introduce some of the basic building blocks of parallelism and shown how quick and easy it is to write parallel codes on the Epiphany. The PI example that we looked at is a simple illustration of a Monte Carlo method, many codes running on the latest supercomputers are based around Monte Carlo methods and more generally the ideas of core identification, point to point and collective communications form the basis of the majority of HPC codes.

If you have any difficulties running ePython or any of the examples here, then please post in the Python section of the Parallella forum (here)

About the author

Dr Nick Brown works at EPCC, which is the UK’s leading centre for HPC. Nick currently develops weather models that run over many thousands of cores and has research interests in programming language and compiler design. More information here.


  • Jani Launonen says:

    Very nice tutorial! Interesting idea to use python on the eCores, even if the performance doesn’t seem to be (yet) that great – I take that the python is interpreted on each core to save memory (compared to jit compilation). How big a python program could be fit in eCores? Or is the python bytecode fetched from external memory? Well, perhaps I better check the links for answers… 🙂

    I’m waiting with great interest for the next tutorial. Thanks for this one!

  • Nick Brown says:

    Thanks for checking out the tutorial Jani, you are right that execution speed was not a primary concern in developing ePython – certainly there are bits that could be (quite easily) further optimised and yes, it is interpreted on each core rather than JIT. The answer to the program size (and also the stack/heap size) is that by default the bytecode (and stack + heap) are put into a core’s internal memory, but beyond a specific size this will overflow transparently to the shared memory (and I allow 1MB shared memory area for each core.) The cost of this overflow is execution speed as obviously shared memory is much slower than internal core memory. Actually you can experiment with this as the -t argument will provide timing information and by using the -datashared and -codeshared command line arguments to ePython as these will force things onto the shared memory regardless…. and you should see an impact of doing this.

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